How to Stop Sweaty Hands When Holding Hands: 4 Proven Ways to Prevent Hand Sweating Effectively

How to Stop Sweaty Hands When Holding Hands

There’s nothing sweeter than holding the hand of the one that’s special to you. …unless your hand is sweating like Niagara Falls. Then all you can think about is how much you’re grossing out your sweetheart.

I remember when I was first dating my wife. I avoided holding her hand at all costs because I was so embarrassed.  She took it personally before I confessed why I never held her hand in the beginning. Thankfully, we worked it out. But not before an unfortunate misunderstanding.

First impressions are important, so PLEASE let me help you avoid this situation by giving you some advice I wish I would have known at the time!

Fortunately, there are ways you can stop your sweaty hands and prevent them from sweating before you go on your date.

So how do you stop sweaty hands when holding hands?  Let’s first take a look at what causes sweaty hands so we can understand the problem.

What Causes Your Hands to Sweat?

Those that suffer from excessive hand sweating most likely have a condition known as palmar hyperhidrosis.  This is when your sweat glands produce more sweat than the average person. 

The root cause is believed to stem form an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which is what tells your body how much sweat to produce based on how much your body needs to cool down.  For example, when you exercise or when you’re nervous, your nervous system secretes more sweat.

Those that have palmar hyperhidrosis don’t necessarily have all the same stimulating factors that cause most people to sweat. 

If you find yourself in this situation, follow these 5 simple ways to prevent sweaty hands so you can start holding hands with your significant other without fear of embarrassment or being self-conscious.

How to Prevent Sweaty Hands So You Can Hold Hands Again Without  Fear

It’s all about being prepared and taking the right steps to keeping your hands dry.  Here are the best ways to do this:

1.  Wash your hands.  Washing them whenever you can is a much more effective than just trying to dry them off on your pants or a paper towel alone. The water will remove the oils and sweat from your hands much better if you do this.

stop sweaty hands by washing hands

  • Use cold water. This will help close your pores and slow down how much sweat leaks from your pores.  Soap isn’t necessary, but it can help.
  • Dry them off thoroughly. Once you’re done washing them, dry them off thoroughly with a paper towel.
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer as a backup.  You may not always have access to running water and the alcohol can help temporarily dry up the sweat.  Just keep a small bottle of the stuff in your pocket (or purse).

2.  Use a reputable hand antiperspirant.  (Not to be confused with deodorant, which only masks odors.)  An antiperspirant will help block the pores from secreting sweating.

We recommend Carpe Antiperspirant Lotion.  It’s made specifically for hands and feet by using a crystallized active ingredient to create a barrier against sweat coming out of your pores. Just rub in a pea size amount into your hands throughout the day (and right before your data, of course!) and let the stuff do its magic.  It’s safe and very effective. You can get a tube of it off of Amazon or their website by clicking here.

3. Stay cool. Literally. By this, I mean plan your date somewhere you know you won’t get too hot, such as indoors with an air conditioner (or outside if that’s where it’s cool).

As we discussed earlier, when your body temperature rises, your nervous system sends signals to your sweat glands to secrete sweat and cool your body down. This means your hand sweating will go into overdrive.  You may not always have control of this, but it’s one more thing you can do to help avoid sweating when you plan to hold hands.

4. Control your anxiety.  When you’re nervous, it only compounds your sweating problem.reduce sweating by calming anxiety

Being on a date or hanging out with someone you’re newly dating can be quite stressful.  Learn some breathing exercises and don’t dwell so much on the stressor.

Dating with Sweaty Hands: How Should You Handle It?

Dating someone while suffering from palmar hyperhidrosis can create a lot of anxiety, especially in the beginning stages of the dating relationship. 

“Will they be grossed out when we’re holding hands?” 

“Are they going to realize my hands are clammy all the time?”

These are just a few of the questions that are probably running through your head.  Here is some of the best advice I can give you when it comes to dating when you have sweaty hands.

  • Hide it in the beginning, but not forever.  It’s okay to use the antiperspirant and go on dates with a “cool” environment in the beginning, because first impressions are important and you don’t want to start your relationship off with, “Hi, my name is Sally, and I have palmar hyperhidrosis.”But, you can’t and shouldn’t keep them in the dark, especially if you’re in the phase where you’re starting to hold hands and be physically affectionate.  It never turns out good if it goes on too long (as it did with my wife and I). 
  • Communicate.  What exactly should you tell them?  First of all, realize that honesty is the best policy.  Let them know that you like holding their hand (if that’s true, of course), but that sometimes they can get a little clammy due to a condition called palmar hyperhidrosis. Let them know that it’s not an uncommon condition and that millions of people worldwide have it.  Also, if you feel that you don’t want to hold their hand when your hands are starting to get sweaty, let them know that sometimes you’d rather not because of that, and that it’s not personal.  This will save hurt feelings in the long run for both individuals. 
  • Stay Positive.  Sometimes it can be discouraging if you actually like the person you’ve been going on dates with, and they’re bothered by your condition.  That’s to be expected to a degree, but don’t let the other person make you feel bad for it.  If they do, then please believe me when I tell you that you’re better off without them.

Date Ideas for Those With Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Dinner & a Movie: Most indoor dining and movie places have air condition.  Sit by an air vent if possible so that the cool airflow will keep you from getting to hot.

Bowling:  It’s an indoor activity usually with air conditioning.  Plus, many bowling alleys have fans built into the ball return.

Indoor picnic:  If it’s too hot outside for a picnic by the beach or in the park, have an indoor picnic!  Throw down a blanket on the living room floor and make some sandwiches and lemonade.  My wife and I used to do this all the time when we first started dating and she loved it.

Outdoor Picnic:  If the weather is cool enough, plan a picnic at the park. You can bring hand sanitizer or a moist towelette with you for “sanitizing your hands”, but secretly using it to wipe the sweat off your hands.